Family Photo Album

Keep Your Photos Where They Belong
Photos are only viewable by your family. Your photos are not displayed openly over the internet.
Same Event, Same Photo Album
When you and your family or friends attend the same event clicking pictures with your own cameras, each of you can upload your photos to the SAME album. This will keep the photos of the event all together.
To keep matters clear, each picture displays who added the photo.
Can I Comment About Photos?
Absolutely! Tallwish makes it easy for your group members to make comments about individual photos. There could be several comments from different people about a picture.
What fun to compare everyone’s pictures!
Share More Than a Photo Album
In addition to sharing photo albums, communicate event details with your family. Share bulletin board messages, events and event reminders with your family. There is also easy to use mail. Try it out.
Every Now and Then, I Would Like to Share the Album with Non Members
You can easily send a special encoded photo album link to anyone – even someone who is not a member of Tallwish. The special keyed link is readily available with each photo album.